Thursday, October 24, 2019

Crawl this Way!

This year's Sacramento Archives Crawl is about "Preserving the Struggle" in the realm of activism. Here are some ways to avoid struggle associated with transportation during the Archives Crawl :

When and Where 

The Sacramento Archives Crawl will run from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturday, October 26, at the following locations:

California State Archives (1020 O Street)
California State Library (900 N Street)
Center for Sacramento History (551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.)
Central Library (828 I Street)

Crawlers can begin at any location and visit locations in any order.


Driving: Free parking is available at the Center for Sacramento History (551 Sequoia Pacific Blvd.). The California State Library (900 N Street) is within easy walking distance of the California State Archives. Convenient street and garage parking is available at many locations downtown for a fee.

Walking: The California State Archives (1020 O Street) and California State Library (900 N Street) are within easy walking distance of one another. The Central Library (828 I Street) is 1/2 mile from the State Archives and State Library.

Bike: All locations now offer bike racks within a block - these are limited in availability. Bus: Crawlers can also choose to travel aboard a bus that conveniently departs every 15 minutes from each location. Click on the image below to view the bus stop locations and schedule.
Bus: Crawlers can also choose to travel aboard a bus that conveniently departs every 15 minutes from each location. Look below for stop locations, including the first and last pickup times, between which, the bus will be by every 15 minutes.



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